Bensalem Students Auditioned and Performed in BCMEA Festival Congratulations to the 31 Bensalem High School (BHS) and 16 Robert K. Shafer Middle School music students who successfully auditioned and were selected to the Bucks County Music Educators Association (BCMEA) County-Wide Festival that took place March 17-19.
BHS Students Score Big at the PJAS Regional Competition Again this, the Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science Region 1C Competition took place virtually from Cecelia Snyder Middle School. 361 students from Bucks and Philadelphia Counties participated by presenting at the Regional Meet. While usually held in person at Snyder Middle School on the last Saturday in February, the format continued this year as an asynchronous virtual meet.
ROTC Promotions for March Col John C. Church, Jr., USMCR (Ret.) Head Leadership Studies, Senior Marine Instructor and MSgt (Ret.) Shawn Worthen, USMCR Marine Instructor are pleased to announce the following promotions for March:
BHS Students Qualify to Attend DECA International Conference Congratulations to the following Bensalem High School students who recently attended the DECA State competition in Hershey: Aayushi Patel, Aastha Patel, Prem Patel and Kush Patel.
BHS Senior Named National Merit Finalist Bensalem High School senior Kathleen Ho has been named a Finalist in the annual National Merit Scholarship Program. Kathleen will join more than 15,000 academically talented high school seniors who now compete for 7,500 National Merit Scholarship® awards.
January Students of the Month Congratulations to our January Students of the Month! We are proud of your accomplishments and wish you continued success in all your future endeavors!
Bensalem Students Selected to PMEA District 11 Music Festival Congratulations to the BHS music students who successfully auditioned and were selected to the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association District 11 Choir, Band, and Orchestra! Students are selected through a rigorous audition process, auditioning amongst the best music students from neighboring high schools throughout Bucks and Montgomery counties.
BHS Marine Corps JROTC Recognized as Naval Honor School On Tuesday, December 21, 2021 at their morning formation, the Bensalem High School Marine Corps JROTC officially took on the designation of Naval Honor School as they connected a streamer – given to them by the Director of Marine Corps JROTC – to their company guidon.
School District Appoints Assistant Principal at BHS The Bensalem Township Board of School Directors at their August 25, 2021 meeting approved the appointment of Dr. Nicole Bourque to the position of 11th grade Assistant Principal at Bensalem High School. She joined our team on October 26th.