Teaching & Learning » Teaching & Learning

Teaching & Learning

Bensalem Township School District
Department of Teaching & Learning
Dr. Donna Minnigh - Director of Teaching & Learning - ext. 4109
Dr. Douglas Ferraro - Supervisor K-12 Math/Science/District Assessment/PIMS Coordinator - ext. 4111
Mrs. Bethany Gale - ELD & Title III Coordinator, K-12 - ext. 4124
Dr. Nicole Bourque  - K-12 English Language Arts/ Humanities Supervisor - ext. 4106
Vacant - MTSS Coordinator - ext. TBD
Mrs. Lauren Steflik - Federal Programs Coordinator - ext. 4123
Mr. Brian Allen - Innovation & Instructional Technology Supervisor - ext. 4012
Administrative Assistants

Ms. Beverly Crispo (215) 750-2800 ext. 4013 and Ms. Suzy Bibeck (215) 750-2800 ext. 4012
Pennsylvania Regulations

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has established regulations for curriculum, instruction, and assessment. These are codified in the Chapter 4 regulations. Pennsylvania has begun developing standards for all curriculum content areas. The Bensalem Township School District will modify its curriculum and content instructional materials to conform to the state regulations.

Department of Education

PDE Standards Aligned System 

Educating the Whole Child
Safe, Healthy, Engaged, Challenged and Supported by Caring Adults!

In the Department of Teaching & Learning, our unwavering commitment lies in maintaining a rigorous academic program that aligns with state and national standards. We strive to cater to the unique learning needs of each student while providing diverse opportunities to explore subjects such as arts, music, social studies, world languages, technology, physical education, and other areas that spark individual interests. Our primary goal within the Bensalem Township School District is to ensure that these enriching learning opportunities are accessible to all students. To achieve this, our dedicated team of Curriculum Coordinators and teachers actively support and guide the work of the department.