Miss Alayna Schnorbus » Miss Alayna Schnorbus' Home Page

Miss Alayna Schnorbus' Home Page

Hello, my name is Alayna Schnorbus and I am currently a junior at Bensalem High School. I have been involved in the Marine Corps Junior ROTC program since my freshman year and hope to continue until I graduate. As of now I am ranked as a Cadet Staff Sergeant. I have been working as a student worker with the IT department since the summer of 2019. Throughout my time as a student worker I have become proficient with many new elements of the IT world. I now have an understanding of how to use these skills not only at work but also in my everyday life. 
High School Diploma 
Bensalem High School
Class of 2022
  • Staff Device Upgrades
  • Student 1:1 Chromebooks 
  • Install and Breakdown of District Labs
  • Inventory