January is School Director Recognition Month

Public education is more than just learning the basic math, science, English and history; it’s a platform for students to reach their potential and inspires hope for a new generation and a successful future. This institution exists in part because individuals volunteer their time to make informed decisions about the issues facing public schools. Our school board members devote 20+ hours per month to the challenging and complex responsibilities of board business, including voting on budgets, adopting policy, and conducting comprehensive planning. 

These dedicated volunteers reside in our community. They are our neighbors, friends, community leaders, and parents at your school.

Bensalem's school directors oversee a $181 million-dollar budget providing a quality education for the more than 6,400 students in our nine schools staffed by 572 teachers, 60 administrative employees, and 544 full and part-time support personnel. 

During this month of recognition, please take a moment and show your gratitude for school directors’ time, dedication, and effort year-round. The job they do is necessary to ensure our schools remain a pathway to a promising future for our students. We thank them for advocating on behalf of our collective interest, and most importantly, for making the success of our children their priority.
The locally elected volunteer public servants who contribute to keeping the public school system strong and effective in Bensalem Township are: Joseph A. Pettyjohn, President; Kim J. Rivera, Vice President; Marc Cohen; Stephanie A. Gonzalez Ferrandez; Dr. Deborah King; Rebecca Mirra, Esq.; Heather D. Nicholas; Jiten Patel; and Karen A. Winters.


Pictured Left to Right
Back Row: Jiten Patel (Board Director); Dr. Victoria Velazquez (Assistant to the Superintendent for K-12 Administration); Brian Cohen (Assistant to the Superintendent for Special Services; Board Directors Marc Cohen; Dr. Deborah King; Rebecca Mirra; Stephanie A. Gonzalez Ferrandez; Karen A. Winters; Joseph Pizzo, Esq.
Sitting: Dr. Samuel Lee (District Superintendent); Heather D. Nicholas (Board Director); Joseph A. Pettyjohn (Board President); Kim J. Rivera (Board Vice President)