Middle School Project » Middle School Project

Middle School Project

On October 1, 2024, the Bensalem Township School District Board of School Directors and Administrators hosted a Community Meeting to provide the Bensalem community an opportunity to gain an understanding behind the considerations for the construction or renovation of Bensalem Middle Schools and grade level realignment.
The evening began with a presentation by Superintendent, Dr. Samuel Lee; Director of Business Operation, John Steffy; and Architect, David Schrader followed by a Question and Answer Session.
Have a question?  E-Mail [email protected]
Letter from the Superintendent - October 29, 2024

Dear Bensalem Residents,

Bensalem Township School District (BTSD) is committed to our mission as a premier educational institution in Bucks County. We provide a first class education for the whole child that challenges and supports each student to discover a passion for learning while designing and achieving a personal vision of success.

It can be a challenging task to meet our mission, often requiring a careful look at our schools, and how we can improve them. This is why BTSD conducted several building assessments over recent years. Assessments of Robert K. Shafer and Cecelia Snyder Middle Schools were included in feasibility studies conducted by EI Associates in 2012 and ICS in 2020. Because the EI study is 12 years old, the architectural and engineering design firm, SCHRADERGROUP, has kept in mind that more systems are reaching the end of their useful life, and the costs associated have risen substantially since that study. 

Since 2022, BTSD and SHRADERGROUP devoted countless hours reviewing options for Shafer and Snyder Middle Schools to determine the four most effective and feasible options that are presented in this newsletter. Whether we build a new middle school or renovate the two existing ones, sixth grade will be added to the middle school level. This will be a transformative moment for our community, creating better unity, better coherence, and better alignment. The project will not only provide a state-of-the-art learning environment, but it will also foster a stronger sense of school spirit, community, and academic excellence. 
This is why we ask you, our valued residents, to weigh in and provide feedback on the ideal middle school experience. The survey, available in multiple languages, will be instrumental as our School Board takes action on how to move forward.

Please complete the survey (available in multiple languages by November 12, at: www.surveymonkey.com/r/Bensalem
Dr. Samuel Lee
Benefits of Sixth Grade in Middle School
BTSD strongly believes that grade alignment to include sixth grade at the middle school level will be very beneficial to our students. Nationwide, middle schools clustered by grades 6-8 have become the most common configuration implemented by school districts. This is due, in part, to research studies which demonstrate that sixth-grade students benefit from curricular standards, academic rigor, staff-to-student support, and improved social connections within a middle school setting.
Stronger School Spirit & Community Identity
• Creating shared experiences, unifying traditions of Shafer and Snyder, and engaging school-wide events will all build a sense of community.
Greater Teacher Collaboration and Professional Growth
• Achieved through shared expertise, a greater variety of professional development, and more opportunities for teamwork and mentorship.
Resource Allocation to All Students
• Expand access to counselors and mental health professionals for social and emotional support.
• Reduced class sizes, personalized learning, and individualized attention.
• Shared facilities, including access to advanced labs, libraries, and athletic facilities.
Keeping a Small Community Feel in a Big Building
• Utilizing teams, advisory programs, a focus on relationships, and school-wide activities.
Better Preparation for High School
• Achieved through rigorous curriculum, college and career readiness, community involvement, and leadership opportunities.
Educational Opportunities for All Middle School Students
• Wider course selection to allow students to explore interests and pursue passions.
• Advanced learning opportunities to challenge students who excel academically.
• Collaboration and alignment with elementary and BHS to create seamless transitions and a strong foundation for success in high school.
• Enhanced technology integration.
Improved Socialization and Peer Relationships
• The combined student population will create a more diverse and dynamic environment, allowing students to expand their social circles.
• A larger student body will provide opportunities for older students to mentor younger ones.
Enhanced Resources & Facilities
• Cutting-edge STEM classrooms to lead our students into the 22nd century.
• Dedicated art and music studios to explore creativity.
• Advanced science labs for hands-on learning.
• Spacious athletic facilities.
• State-of-the-art auditorium (new construction only).
Middle School Construction Options
To continue to provide premier education in Bucks County, BTSD is assessing options for creating a middle school experience that provides students in grades 6-8 with a state-of-the-art educational environment. After carefully reviewing six different options, BTSD narrowed it down to the following four options that will best meet our students’ educational needs.
OPTION A: New Construction
Cost Range: $140-$150 million
Description: Creates a new, state-of-the-art middle school for grades 6-8, and closes Shafer and Snyder Middle Schools.
Evaluation: This option creates a completely new and collaborative learning environment for students that can be designed to reflect the district’s academic goals in its comprehensive plan. To keep a small community feel in a big building, each grade level will be on its own floor, and students will be divided into teams to foster support and belonging. Accessing shared facilities will give students access to advanced labs, libraries, athletics, and is the only option that includes a new auditorium. More teachers in one school will reduce class sizes, resulting in personalized learning and more individualized attention.

New Construction Cost to Taxpayers
School Year Real Estate Tax Increase
2024-2025 $16.70 – $29.95
2025-2026 $16.46 – $29.72
2026-2027 $41.51 – $54.76
2027-2028 $58.44 – $71.69
OPTION B: Shafer & Snyder Additions and Alterations
Cost Range: $155-$165 million
Description: Adds 25,000 square feet to Snyder and 10,000 square feet to Shafer. This option is more expensive than new construction.
OPTION C: Shafer & Snyder Additions and Renovations
Cost Range: $115-125 million
Description: Adds 25,000 square feet to Snyder and 10,000 square feet to Shafer. This option is somewhat less costly than new construction or alterations.

OPTION D: Shafer, Snyder and Rush Renovations
Cost Range: $110-120 million
Description: General renovations to the three schools. This option is somewhat less costly than new construction or alterations; however, it keeps sixth grade at the elementary schools.
Evaluation of Options B, C, and D
These options reuse multiple facilities and keep a smaller population of students at each school when compared to new construction. The construction timeline is longer because work will be done on multiple sites rather than just one. Construction will add disruption to students and staff, plus site-related impacts to operations, including traffic, parking, playing fields, and construction staging. Modular classrooms may be needed at all sites. These projects add NO efficiencies in operational costs and none of them include a new auditorium.
What are the primary reasons that the district is considering a middle school
construction project?
The construction options are primarily driven by two factors: 1) the current condition of Shafer and Snyder Middle Schools 2) the opportunity to upgrade the educational program, particularly by adding sixth grade to the middle school level.

How can the district address families’ concerns about sixth-grade students attending school
with seventh and eighth graders?
The district will utilize teams among the sixth graders to keep students within the same grade together. If a new middle school is built, each grade level will be separated by floors. Additionally, engaging, school-wide activities will create a sense of unity and belonging between all grade levels. 

What is the difference between a renovation and an alteration?
A renovation is a more extensive update to an existing building. It will generally refresh the building finishes and building systems, but will not materially alter the use or function of a space. An alteration changes the function of the space within the footprint of an existing building. Spaces may be modified to support functions from their original use by rearranging walls, changing structural parts, or remodeling.

How will a new middle school affect my property value?
New construction schools are associated with greater appreciation and higher property values. They can also create an increased demand in homes by attracting more buyers, leading to faster sales and higher prices.

When will a decision be made?
An outside marketing company will present the results of the survey at the November 19 School Board of Directors meeting. A final decision on the middle school construction or renovation projects will be made at the November 26 Board meeting.

Why the rush to make a decision?
BTSD has been carefully reviewing options with SHRADERGROUP since 2022. The district would like to make a decision to lock in a rate on the loan, whether it be for new construction or renovations. Interest rates and the cost of construction materials continue to rise as well.

How can I stay up-to-date on what’s happening with the middle school plans?
Visit this page often to stay up-to-date.
The community is also welcome to attend the Business Affairs Committee Meeting on November 19 at 5:30 PM to hear a presentation on the survey data and November 26 at 7:30 PM when the Board votes.

Where can I send questions if I have them?
Please send questions via e-mail to [email protected].